Watch Rocky Flats Downwinders recognize National Downwinder’s Day at the Colorado State Capital.
Nick Hansen – Mr. Hansen is a Co-Founder of Rocky Flats Downwinders. He grew up in Jefferson County, Colorado in the 70s and 80s, obtained his undergraduate degree at Vanderbilt University and his law degree from UCLA and is a long time trial attorney in the Denver Area specializing in contract law. You can find out more information about him at Hansen Law Firm.
Kristen Iversen – Ms. Iversen holds a PhD from the University of Denver and currently heads the PhD program in Literary Nonfiction at the University of Cincinnati. Professor Iversen is a Colorado Native and author of the well-known book, Full Body Burden: Growing up in the Nuclear Shadow of Rocky Flats. In reviewing her book, the Atlantic Monthly fittingly described it as: “A striking tale of innocence in a time and place of great danger” and awarded it Best Book about Justice. Alesya Casse- Ms. Casse is a Rocky Flats activists who raises awareness about ongoing contamination concerns. She has played an important role in raising awareness of the dangers presented at the Westminster Hills Dog Park and in stopping a proposed burn in 2015 on the Rocky Flats Wildlife Refuge. She is an organizer for Candelas Glows which works to warn new residents about the dangers that exist near Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Plant and she speaks regularly to the community about responsible nuclear waste management. Tiffany Hansen – Ms. Hansen is the founder of the Rocky Flats Resident Registry and a Co-Founder of Rocky Flats Downwinders. She grew up directly next to Rocky Flats during the period of its operation in the Quaker Acres subdivision in Arvada. Click here for her personal story. |
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