July 7, 2017 we received approval from the IRS and are now a 501(c)(3) Non-profit Organization. DONATE NOW ON OUR FACEBOOK PAGE! Please donate to the Rocky Flats Downwinders so we can keep our awareness building campaigns, educational programs, health studies and supportive services alive and flourishing. We will welcome your tax deductible contribution here soon. If you can’t donate money, your time is invaluable. Please consider joining our team of volunteers.

Raising Money to connect with Cook Class Members
We have been provided a rare opportunity to potentially connect with Rocky Flats Downwinders (RFD) by reaching out to the plaintiff’s in the Cook v. Rockwell case. The Cook lawsuit found that the planitiff’s, homeowners near Rocky Flats on June 7, 1989, were damaged and a settlement was reached.
WE WANT TO KNOW THE HEALTH OF THE COOK CLASS MEMBERS. We have retained legal counsel to file a motion with the court to ask that we be allowed the opportutnity to connect with class members. We want to have them participate in the health survey and we want connect with them so we can better serve the needs of our community.
The Heifer Claims Group, who oversees the Settlement, has provided an estimate to the RFD for $2000 to create the class list and to send out an email allowing plaintiff’s to opt in to RFD. As a new 501(c)(3), we do not have funds available to allow for this expense and the legal fees associated. But we see the value (and hope you do too) in reaching out to 7300 Rocky Flats Downwindes to check in on their health and the health of their loved ones.

How to Volunteer with the Rocky Flats Downwinders
The Rocky Flats Downwinders has been fortunate to have a group of wonderful, caring people like you involved in its organization and efforts. The way to truly make change is through collectively organizing and we welcome your participation. As a volunteer you can determine how your time is spent and how much time you give. As a volunteer based organization, we value your time and interest and are willing to work with you individually to ensure your time volunteering is both rewarding and enjoyable to you.
Rocky Flats Downwinders Organization Mission
Our goals are to bring about awareness of Rocky Flats in order to educate the community, to sensitize medical professionals regarding potential adverse health effects suffered by Downwinders, and to obtain medical monitoring for Rocky Flats Downwinders, as well as inclusion under the Radiation and Exposure and Compensation Act (RECA). If you value our mission and want to help our cause, we encourage you to volunteer with the Rocky Flats Downwinders. Please contact email Tiffany@rockyflatsdownwinders.com if you are interested in volunteering with us. |